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October 26, 2015

Community Ballot Measure on Motorcycle Access - Results

898 "Yes" votes out of 2142 votes cast for 42% of the vote. The Measure did NOT pass.

As a comparison, the vote for a Trial Period in 2004 was 603 "Yes" votes out of 2239 votes cast for 27% of the vote.

October 10, 2015


Reason To Vote "YES" on Motorcycle Access

September 23, 2015

Rules For Access Explained

There are over 33,000 HOA's in California. Of those, only three HOA's ban motorcycles - LWW being one of them. The remaining HOA's including Pebble Beach, Blackhawk, Auburn Lake Trails and Lake of the Pines allow unrestricted motorcycle access. And, in a perfect world, there should be no restrictions on motorcycle access in LWW either.

However, in an effort to allay the fears of some LWW residents, local motorcyclists have agreed to a proposal whereby access would be allowed with restrictions. Admittedly, the restrictions may seem redundant to some. For example, if a motorcycle is street legal (California Vehicle Code compliant), why exclude operation between midnight and 5AM and why limit travel between Gate and owner's home? This was included as a safe guard for those residents who might not understand the meaning of street legal and might worry that noise is still the issue. Currently diesel trucks, sports car, vintage cars, hot rods roam our streets and, by tests conducted recently, are louder than street legal motorcycles and even louder than some Harleys with modified exhausts. Furthermore, at 25mph, it takes only 3-5 seconds for one of these vehicles or motorcycles to pass your home... nothing close to the repetitive whine of leaf blowers we deal with on a daily basis.

The same thinking applies to the restriction of "no congregating". Some residents may be fearful about a biker party in Commodore Park... and, there may be noisy bikes or "hard core" bikers among them. Admittedly, "hard core" bikers would never dream of buying a home in a place like LWW so the exposure to LWW motorcyclists' being "hard core" is minimal to none and noisy bikes would not be street legal. This restriction then, although seemingly unnecessary to most, might seem logical to some.

The same reasoning applies to the restriction of Homeowners only... guests are excluded from access. 

Again, in a perfect world, there should be no restrictions on motorcycle access for street legal motorcycles. However, in the interest of working with the Community to develop a "no cost" solution we all can live with, resident motorcyclists have agreed to a compromise outlined on the voting ballot and below:


· Homeowners and renters with sponsorship by the Homeowner. This is an accommodation to Beale Air Force military personal... many of whom rent before buying at LWW.

· Must be 21 years of age or older.

· Motorcycle to be California Vehicle Code compliant.

· Proof of valid driver's license.

· Proof of registration.

· Proof of insurance.

· Travel is restricted to/from the front gate to owner's home

· No more than two motorcycles, unless title is held by the same owner, are allowed to congregate at any location, unless such congregation is approved by the General Manager. 

· Motorcycle operation is prohibited between the hours of midnight and 5:00 AM.

Please vote "Yes" on Motorcycle Access.

Written by: Curtis Langston, President Emeritus, LWW Motorcycle Club
Prevalent Updates by: Paul Piper, Acting President, LWW Motorcycle Club

Motorcycle Musings

September 10, 2015

Access Improves Image - A "No Cost" Option


LWW has an image problem. Ask anyone living outside the gate what they think about the place and they're just as likely to roll their eyes and say with a smirk "Oh. You mean Wallyworld?"

To the outsider, the place is often looked upon as being stuffy; a dysfunctional politic that seeks to over-regulate itself with rules on how to manage its children, pets, recreation, transportation and ultimately lifestyle. The outsider will ask "Why would I live in a place like that?"

That image is embedded in the regional psyche and it negatively affects home sales. LOP, sister development to LWW, doesn't have that image and their property sales are more robust. In a recently held community café we talked about finding the low lying fruit - those action items that could be accomplished most easily and with the least amount of effort, yet with the biggest and best return.

I believe the single most powerful action the Association could do to enhance its image, while satisfying a major block of its citizenry and at the same time improve its overall market value is to lift the ban - a "no-cost option".  And, with the sale of the North Gate lot where motorcycles are currently parked, there would be no additional cost to provide new parking - a "no-cost option".

It's generally agreed, although not easily quantified, that home sales are depressed compared to the surrounding area. According to John Miller, Owner of Intero Real Estate, "Approximately 6% of the active market is lost due to the ban." Other realtors have agreed. That's 6-out-of-100 sales lost in a year. It's not a big number. But why would we put up barriers to home sales at all? It's counter-productive. Lost home sales is a cost to the Community.

Lifting the ban is a "no-cost option" with immediate returns of gratification. There would be an immediate improvement in the quality of life for what statistically in the state of California should be 16% of the population. That's a significant gratification that exceeds the population of tennis and pickleball combined and approaches that of golf.

By lifting the ban, there will be an immediate uptick in home sales. We currently have two outsiders who have contacted the motorcycle club website and have said they're moving to the area and would love to live here but don't because they won't park their bikes anywhere but in their garage. They support our effort and they have said if we are successful, they would love to move in. Lift the ban today and there would be two immediate home sales. That's about as low lying as it gets and, it's a "no-cost solution".

On Sept. 14th, ballots will be mailed to you for voting on Motorcycle Access with restrictions. In a perfect world, there would be no restrictions. However, in the interest of working with the Community to find a compromise "no cost solution", motorcycle owners have agreed to a proposal whereby access is allowed but only with restrictions, as follows:


· Homeowners and renters with sponsorship by the Homeowner. This is an accommodation to Beale Air Force military personal... many of whom rent before buying at LWW.

· Must be 21 years of age or older.

· Motorcycle to be California Vehicle Code compliant.

· Proof of valid driver's license.

· Proof of registration.

· Proof of insurance.

· Travel is restricted to/from the front gate to owner's home

· No more than two motorcycles, unless title is held by the same owner, are allowed to congregate at any location, unless such congregation is approved by the General Manager. 

· Motorcycle operation is prohibited between the hours of midnight and 5:00 AM.

Please vote "Yes" on Motorcycle Access.

Written by: Curtis Langston, President Emeritus, LWW Motorcycle Club
Prevalent Updates by: Paul Piper, Acting President, LWW Motorcycle Club

August 27, 2015

Why Do We Ride?

Some ride to and from work as commuters or to run errands about town. Others ride for the thrill of it. It's a uniquely special experience to be riding on swerving roads with the wind in your face and 100 horsepower of rolling machine straddled between your legs that can't be experienced anywhere else. Until you have, you can't understand it.

To others, riding a motorcycle is a recipe for adventure. It begins by taking 700 pounds of modern machine covered in eye-popping chrome and sprinkle it with a healthy amount of finely maintained roads winding through forested mountains, past meadows, ponds, lakes and rivers. Coat that in a light sauce of historic villages to give it a boost of flavor. Then add a touch of fun traveling with friends and meeting California drivers who give way to the motorcyclist like no other state in the union. Baste that in a broth of California sunshine and serve with a side dish of Bon Jovi, Sting or Bob Seger and you have a recipe like none other.

The Sierra's are unique. As a mountain range, it's a mecca for motorcycle riders, drawing enthusiasts from all over the states and around the globe to ride the American west from Mojave to Mt. Shasta on modern day horseback.

It's not for everybody though. It can get scary at times with 1000 foot drops into lost canyons. One might even get dizzy sitting high atop a mountain overlooking a vista with a cold wind in the face.

It can be lonesome too, traveling miles with no one to talk to until you pull into an unknown village, drawing attention from strangers who go out of their way to approach you and your machine because they want to know your name. To some, that kind of attention can be uncomfortable. Others thrive on it.

The weather can be fickle too, changing in a moments notice to darkening skies and rolling thunder. To some, that's a delirium. To others, it's a delight. Smells can create confusion too, especially those smells not typically smelled when traveling in a car, like sage or lilac, burning wood, country cooking or the smell of the wild as you pass one farm after another. To some that's a discomfort. To others, it's a quest.

Members of our Motorcycle Club are thankful to be living here. We're grateful to have found our way. It took years of hard work, timing, opportunity and a little good luck to have made it. Now that we're here and have been living here long enough to call the place home, that agreement we signed back in the beginning to accept the ban makes us wonder today "What the hell were we thinking?" We are motorcycle riders. We live in the Mecca of motorcycle enjoyment and we can ride anywhere and everywhere except where we live and play. Does that make any sense to anyone? Or is it just me?

Curtis Langston
President Emeritus, LWW Motorcycle Club

Curtis Langston passed away suddenly on June 6th but his Musings live on.

July 24, 2015

Why all the Hostilities?

Over the past few months I've been setting copies of the Musings throughout the village at June's Café, TriCounties Bank, Crazy4Yogurt, Doctor offices, and the Pro Shop, to name a few. People read them and it sparks conversation.

With the added exposure, people now refer to me as 'the motorcycle guy'. To some, I'm considered a hero. To others, I'm a villain. Most people smile and wave and they approach me to talk as strangers. Others become hostile, hold me in contempt, and turn their back as though I'm not welcomed in their space.

It's crazy when you think about it ­ all this angst and ire over a 2-wheeled form of transportation employed by millions the world over. These are not weapons of mass destruction needing to be safeguarded against and the people who ride them shouldn't be subjected to prejudice and hostilities as if they are sex offenders.

I find it amazing that in our self-proclaimed 'little piece of paradise' the word motorcycle is the longest 4-letter word. Just say the word and people become judgmental and defensive, digging in their heels, clinching their fists and ready to strike. That posture occurs whether one is for or against. But it doesn't have to be that way.

America's greatness is built on its principal of tolerance to people and traditions that are different from our own. Each of us tolerates the little inconveniences that are brought about by others like loud music, shouting, lawn care equipment, golf carts on roads, noisy trucks passing or, as was recently said by a member of the association staff, 'dealing with whiny people'. We tolerate those kinds of activities and behavior because we accept that others have a right to engage in them, whether we like it or not.

It's the same with motorcycles. One may not like the motorcycle or those who ride them most likely because they had a bad experience with one or the other somewhere in their past. But in a world of tolerance, how can anyone with clear conscience tell another they can't drive their noise compliant, legal motorcycle because they don't like them.

We're all good people and we all have the best intentions. For the most part, we're all the same ­ some a little richer, some a little poorer. We look alike. We even dress alike. We just disagree on what's important and what we're willing to tolerate.

It's really a matter of trust. There's a lot of mistrust between the sides because one doesn't understand the other. The opposition treats the motorcyclist as the enemy, and vice versa. But are we really enemies? We're also responsible neighbors with common goals and aspirations too. We just need to get to know one another better.

The motorcycle club is looking for your help in finding a solution to a problem that adversely affects a large block of our community. Over the next several weeks, we will be seeking to bridge the gap between us by reaching out in an effort to inform and educate who we are, what we're asking and why we think it's best for the community at large. We hope to meet and engage all of you and we encourage you to step up, stand out and introduce yourself. We'll be nice about it. And I know you will be too.

Curtis Langston
President Emeritus, LWW Motorcycle Club

Curtis Langston passed away suddenly on June 6th but his Musings live on.

June 6, 2015

A Tribute to Curtis Langston

It is with a sad heart that we share the following:

Saturday, June 6, 2015, Curtis Langston, President of the Lake Wildwood Motorcycle Club passed away suddenly in his home. He was our inspirational leader who loved "stirring the hornet's nest" to get the bees buzzing... and, the bees have been buzzing lately as he tackled the formidable challenge of attempting to change the LWW rule to allow motorcycle access for Homeowners. Curtis' "Motorcycle Musings" were written with a talent few possess. Published in the local Lake Wildwood Independent newspaper, his articles were thought provoking, relevant, and at times, cheeky. Readers could be shocked at his candor and at the same time impressed by his talent for engaging his audience.

Here are a few of the many comments received...
"In a landscape of Realists and Pessimists Curtis was a true Optimist."
"But few will be as well remembered as Curtis.  He stood up, stood out, and stood for all we love."
"A gentlemen by any measure. A loss for the community."
"He believed in working hard, being fair, and was an open minded, caring man."
"A true friend in all endeavors"
"We have all lost a voice of reason and common sense in Lake Wildwood."
"We lost a true champion of good."

Curtis will be sorely missed. RIP my friend.

Paul Piper, Vice-President, Lake Wildwood Motorcycle Club

June 4, 2015

Let's Vote On It

At the April Board of Directors meeting, the motorcycle initiative was discussed. During the twenty minutes allotted, 3 possible options were introduced on addressing the problem for motorcycle riders: 1) Do Nothing, 2) Amend the Declaration that prohibits motorcycles or 3) implement New Policy that would grant a variance to allow motorcycles.

To the Board members credit, they are in a tough spot and I respect the difficulties they're in addressing this issue. For them to allow a variance would require the Board to set policy on an explosive issue where there is plenty of anger and angst on both sides of the political divide.

Ultimately, the board recommended that motorcycle club members should file for a variance with the Environmental Management Office but that the members should expect the application to be rejected. Once rejected, they suggested Club members can then decide what to do next. There was no mention as to what the 'next' would be and the implication was left to the imagination of the beholder.

THE CLUB LEADERSHIP IS ON PUBLIC RECORD THAT IT HAS NO INTEREST IN LITIGATING THIS ISSUE and the community need not worry. We're seeking to find a solution that addresses the cyclist's hardships while alleviating the opposition's concern. To slug it out in court is to no one's benefit.

Following the board meeting, the Club members conferred and announced to the GM and members of the Board that the Club seeks to let the people sort it out by popular vote. This is option 2, Amending the Declaration. To amend a declaration is akin to amending the US constitution in that it requires a supermajority vote of 50% + 1 of the total association membership to pass. In round numbers, that'll take 1421 affirmative votes.

The Club has now expressed its intention. The process is underway and we will all have an opportunity to express our opinion by vote this summer. Between now and then, the Club encourages everyone to get involved in the conversation, whether you are for or against. When the time comes, VOTE and let your voice be heard. If you oppose the motorcycle, take time to engage the cyclist and hear what their complaints are. If you favor the motorcycle, take time to engage the opposition and hear what their fears and concerns are. If you are apathetic and could care less one way or the other, consider the impact the ban has on real estate values and how the vote will impact your future prospects. The Club encourages all sides to express their opinion so the other side better understands.

Curtis Langston ­ Club President. University of Houston ­ BS/MS. Aerospace Engineer. 33 year technical consultant to US Air Force and US Navy. 13 year LWW resident.



April 24, 2015

A Sound Comparison Study

To support the point that noise is not the issue, over the past month the Motorcycle Club has been conducting a Sound Comparison Study, measuring exhaust noise emanating from different cars, trucks and motorcycles. Cars and trucks were selected for their loudness, with emphasis placed on diesel trucks and sports cars with performance exhaust. All cars and trucks were from LWW homeowners, meaning their vehicles frequent our streets daily. Motorcycles were provided by Club members and tested regardless of whether they were loud or quiet. No effort was made to screen out loud motorcycles.

The location for these tests was at neighboring Wildwood Ridge, selected because it reasonably compares to the residential environment of LWW and because motorcycles can be ridden there.

Tests were tightly controlled. The vehicles pass a decibel sensor sitting on a tripod at a location 30' from the centerline of travel. As the vehicle passes at 25mph, the sound is measured and saved to disk and the vehicle is video recorded. The Club tested twenty three vehicles; eleven cars and trucks, twelve motorcycles.

In the chart below, the column on the right indicates the maximum decibel limit measured by the vehicle under test. As you can see, the loudest vehicle was a GMC 1-ton diesel truck. The 2nd loudest was a 1965 Ford Cobra followed by the loudest Harley. The quietest were a group of Honda motorcycles.

The point to the Study is to demonstrate that motorcycles are no more an inconvenience than any other vehicle traveling on our roads and should not be legislated against.

Cars & Trucks are in Yellow. Motorcycles are in Blue.

Sound Comparison Study Video

March 26, 2015

Noise is Not The Issue

The other day a woman was shaking her finger with a possessed over-my-dead-body glare and said "I'll never allow motorcycles because I don't want to hear the noise on Pleasant Valley Road come roaring down Wildflower Drive."

The anti-crowd bemoans the traffic on Pleasant Valley Road as an example of the noise that would occur if motorcycles were allowed access.

There are a few problems with that lament. To begin with, comparing the traffic on PV Road to the traffic in LWW is like comparing apples and oranges. Traffic on PV Road is starting from a dead stop and shifting through gears to reach 45-55 mph while traveling uphill toward Hwy 20 and beyond. Or it's traveling at speed across the causeway and the sound skips across the lake for others to hear. The anti-crowd points to that noise as if it's exclusively motorcycle noise and they raise a fist and declare..over-my-dead-body.

The problem with that comparison is that the traffic on PV Road is a far cry different than traffic traveling at 25-30 mph inside a controlled environment. In LWW, traffic noise is minimized due to speed control and it only lasts seconds as the vehicle passes by. Furthermore, motorcycle traffic in LWW would not be traveling in a pack, as is often the case on PV Road, due to the restriction of homeowners only.

The other problem is how can one be so sure it's a motorcycle making the noise in the first place? Loud exhaust comes from cars and trucks too, especially diesels and those with performance exhaust systems, many of which are louder than the loudest motorcycle. When they ramp it up, one hears the noise but seldom sees the vehicle. With all the different passenger cars and trucks with modified exhausts, one can easily get confused and think the loud exhaust is from a motorcycle because they can sound alike.
But to those who ride, they know the difference and they will tell you, the noise is just as likely to come from 4-wheels as it is 2-wheels. How come nobody ever says they hate those damn diesel trucks or sports cars?

The other thing is nobody ever points out the motorcycles that are as quiet as the family Volvo either? They're everywhere.

High speed traffic on PV Road is going to exist whether motorcycles are allowed or not. But a motorcycle traveling down Wildflower is no more a noisy inconvenience than any other vehicle traveling the road. If those vehicles are allowed to travel with impunity, why single out the motorcycle?

Noise is not the issue. Never has been. If noise were truly the issue, then LWW would legislate the noise, not the vehicle. Not all motorcycles are loud vehicles. Not all loud vehicles are motorcycles.

The point being: if LWW is going to prohibit the motorcycle based on an argument of exhaust noise, then LWW should apply the same prohibition to all vehicles with loud exhaust and let the quiet motorcycles pass. Otherwise, it should quit pretending it's all about noise and stop discriminating against the motorcycle simply because some in the Association don't like the people who ride them.

Curtis Langston
President, LWW Motorcycle Club


December 18, 2014

Motorcycle Ban Affects Everyone

As with any argument, there are two sides.

At one extreme, there are a minority who vehemently fear the motorcycle and/or those who ride them. These people Support the Ban. They view the motorcyclist as a leather-clad, rough and tumble type sporting tattoos and earrings and ponytails and riding loud machines and they would just as soon they lived somewhere else. These people mistrust the cyclist and believe that without the Ban, undesirables will move in, noise will become an overpowering issue, the value of real estate will plummet and the quality of life destroyed. Just mention the word MOTORCYCLE in these circles and blood pressure rises, fist's pound, anger flairs and arguments ensue.

At the other extreme, there are a minority of those who ride motorcycles and vehemently Oppose the Ban. They believe the Ban is unfair and unjust and that it serves no valid purpose other than to discriminate against them and their toys and their lifestyle. These people believe that because of the Ban they are unfairly judged, unfairly taxed, unfairly burdened and unfairly robbed of their pursuit of happiness. They mistrust the opposition as being the true undesirables and would just as soon they moved somewhere else. Mention the word BAN in these circles and blood pressure rises, fist's pound, anger flairs and arguments ensue.

In between lays a majority bell-curve of people who are least affected. They don't ride motorcycles and have no 'dog in the hunt', so to speak. Yet they have an opinion - for or against.

On the one side, there are those who judge the cyclists as a rowdy bunch and are thankful they don't have a motorcyclist living next to them. They are affected whenever the lone wolf, out of frustration with the Ban, shirks the rule and rides on the streets anyway. They're also affected when they can't sell their home to a prospective buyer because the buyer won't accept the Ban.

Then there are those who know and understand the cyclist as being just as likely to wear tennis shoes, windbreakers and Velcro and they are sympathetic. They judge the Ban as an unreasonable restriction on their neighbor. They are affected whenever they consider buying a bike but don't because of the Ban. They're also affected as they watch their friend or neighbor toil and fumble and mumble and grumble with aggravation and they feel empathy. Or it simply frustrates them that the Ban is a divisive issue that polarizes their community and they would just as soon it went away

Somewhere in the middle are the Apathetic: those who could care less one way or the other. Yet they too are affected as they witness the argument play out year and year after year between the two sides

We're all affected by the Ban.

Curtis Langston
President, LWW Motorcycle Club


March 12, 2015

Accepting The Ban

"A property in the 17000 block of Chaparral Drive was listed for sale and went into escrow. The buyer was a man stationed at Beale AFB. Once he learned of the ban, he cancelled, LWW lost a respectable young man as a homeowner, and the sellers lost a sale. The home is still listed today." Local Real Estate agent requesting anonymity.

It is often said "But you knew the ban was in affect when you agreed to move here." Yes, that is true. Each of us did agree to accept the ban. However, being new to LWW none of us could have ever known at the time just how onerous that agreement would be.

At the time, each of us, in our own different ways, managed to convince ourselves that we would find a way to work around the ban. We'd get a trailer, pay off-site storage, park it at the gates surely it can't be that difficult, we argued. In my case, I bought a trailer and for the first year trailered in and out. But as time passed, that became a major drudgery that made riding an inconvenience. I then parked at the North Gate. But the effects of dust, dirt, pollen, sun and weather began to damage the bike, fading the paint, drying out the leather and drying out seals. To counter that, I bought an enclosed clamshell to keep out the elements. But that created a perfect environment for insects and the bike became infested with bugs and spider webs. Ultimately, I rented an offsite storage shed and have accepted the $75 monthly expense for the past 8 years.

Many of us store our bikes offsite. But storage facilities have no running water to clean the bike after a day's ride. Nor do they have electricity to inflate tires or trickle charge a battery, if needed. Consequently, routine maintenance becomes a spotty issue, at best, and the bikes suffer. In many cases, the inconvenience and financial liability is so great that many riders wind up parking their bike until time, age or lack of use causes them to sell it or throw it away.

Boat owners have argued that the motorcyclist has nothing to complain about because they have to trailer their boats in and out as well. But a motorcycle is not a boat. It's not meant to travel on water. It's a 2-wheeled vehicle licensed to operate on any road in America, including the roads of LWW.

RV owners have also argued that the motorcyclist has nothing to complain about because they too have to store their vehicle offsite. But the RV must be stored offsite because it is too large to fit in their garage. Even then, the owner can still operate his vehicle on the streets anytime he wants without restriction.

We all have passions in our lives. To a classic car owner it's his Hot Rod. To the boat owner it's his boat. To the RV owner it's his mobile home. To the golfer it's his golf cart. To a motorcyclist it's his motorcycle. It's that thing that we baby most; that possession we care for, hold close and cherish. Not being able to properly care for them causes a state of disappointment that no one could have ever recognized when they first made that agreement.

Curtis Langston
President, LWW Motorcycle Club

Image Is Everything...

How LWW Looks to the Outsider!?

Reprinted with permission

- The Wildwood Independent, Penn Valley, CA.

February 27, 2015

Change In Tactic

I have a confession to make.

When I first started this campaign back in November, the idea was to inform, educate and entertain the community with a series of Musings that, over time, would [hopefully] sway public opinion and influence people. The goal was to slowly build an argument until the summertime when the Club would approach the community with an initiative to gain access.

Throughout that time, the Musings were meant to be written in a nice and pleasant tone with politically correct language that would gently disturb the hornet's nest with just enough controversy to get the bees buzzing about motorcycles and the ban. But then something happened along the way to change the strategy.

I learned that in order to be an initiative in the coming vote cycle this summer, the initiative needed to be on the ballot by the end of April. And that was a real game changer that suddenly shortened my timeline.

Let's be straight with one another. The objective of the Club members is to gain access and ride home. It's as simple as that. It's not about spending a boatload of money to build 100 storage sheds. It's not about finding another dusty field where we can throw down some concrete and call it home. And it's not about ignoring the issue and kicking it down the road, either. It's all about access, plain and simple.

Feeling the sudden need to advance the strategy, I decided to slap the hornets' nest and wake up its occupants with militant conversation employing words such as 'elitist', 'bigotry' and 'xenophobia' to describe the self-serving few who are consumed in fear and loathing of the machine and its rider. It was a calculated risk. Those to whom I refer will bristle with anger and disgust and will view me as a notorious trouble maker. But for every one person that does, it is my estimation that there will be two who will hail it as 'about time.'

As it is, I think my timing may have been good with the coincidental publication of two well-crafted Letters to the Editor that happened to publish on the same day. One was written by Mr. Jon Stewart, motorcycle activist and the other from Mr. Bob Martin, motorcycle opponent.

Mr. Stewart wrote a wonderful piece pointing out the wild analogies that come out whenever certain people hear any mention of lifting the ban. He points out that those analogies are driven out of fear, hate and ignorance and he asks the probing question "What is there to fear?" He then suggests we fear what we don't know. He also points out that changes to CC&R's is not a subversive act as some would see it and that in America, the downtrodden have a right to speak freely and seek equality. He then points out the irony now occurring with the marginalized motorcyclist paying for the amenities of other interest groups yet who are disavowed the right to operate on the very roads their assessments pay for. He then states that the motorcyclists want to ride their bikes to and from their homes and suggests that the anti-motorcycle crowd might not be so mean-spirited and ornery if they knew the facts concerning noise. Kudo's, Mr. Stewart.

Mr. Martin is one who has publicly complained about loud motorcycles ramping up their rpm's as they travel up Pleasant Valley Road and has expressed his disgust. However, he wrote an equally informative piece that also contained tough questions such as "Do you feel it is possible things can improve with change?" He went on to answer that question affirmatively "yes, it is possible that things can improve with change". He then states that it would be his "goal that motorcycles in LWW had the same privileges as automobiles." Most importantly, though, he asked the ultimate question "What changes would have to take place?" for lifting the ban. He then goes on to provide his own suggestions for conditional access. I don't know you Mr. Martin, but right now you're my #1 hero.

You see, you and Mr. Stewart have saved me a lot of time by helping me short circuit this public discussion. Instead of building an argument spread out over many weeks and months, you have cut directly to the chase and brought this conversation right to the heart of the matter. And I can't thank you enough.

The Club understands and is in full agreement that conditional access is the only way. We realize that the Association will not simply open the gates along with a hearty 'have a nice day' attached to it. Instead, it will be a conditional access based on rules and guidelines. To prepare for that, The Club has a draft proposal with Rules of Engagement, Rules of Revocation and it even addresses the Newcomer.

The proposal needs to be polished and squared away with Club members for their approval first. Once done, I'll pass it by the BOD and then I'll introduce it to the public.

I didn't think I'd be getting into this at this early juncture, but here we are, thanks to Messrs. Stewart and Martin, along with a timely Musing asking the community to stop ignoring us and unlock the damn door. It's gotten really stuffy in here and we could all use some fresh air!


Curtis Langston
President, LWW Motorcycle Club

February 13, 2015

More on Motorcycle Type

"I estimate 10 -12% will not buy because of the motorcycle rule and 5% will be happy about it. If we show 100 people we would actually lose a net 6 potential buyers to this rule." John Miller, Owner/Broker, Intero Real Estate

A man proclaimed, "I won't allow motorcycles in the gate because I fear for the safety of our children, our pets, and wildlife."

Good Grief!

To some, the motorcyclist is viewed as a medieval marauder; something of a Mad Max character riding on iron thunder, shaking foundations, plundering neighborhoods and subjugating the weak, all the while masquerading as a nice person. To those, these mythical creatures are to be guarded against at all times. But to the motorcyclist, those who hold that view are looked upon as elitist ­ one who believes that others should be ruled or dominated by an elite person or group that is considered superior to the rest in terms of ability or qualities.

Others call it bigotry ­ an extreme intolerance of any belief, or opinion that differs from one's own. And then again others refer to it as xenophobia ­ an intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from another culture.

Whatever it's called, that viewpoint represents the deep mistrust and misunderstanding that exists between some Association members and the motorcyclist.

As a community, what should we do about this? Do we continue to kick it down the road, sweep it under the carpet and shove it off in a dusty field? Or do we come together as a reasonable society of logical people to address the issue and find a lasting solution?

Some will argue that a solution has already been found based on a past vote, and that the motorcycle club is harassing the community. Not so.

That vote in 2004 was a vote seeking a 120-day trial period to let the community temporarily observe what impact motorcycles would have if allowed to ride home. It was a reasonable suggestion; like trying on a new pair of shoes with the option of not buying if they don't fit. But the initiative was defeated by popular vote, heavily influenced by the fear, prejudice and threats brought on by years of opposition.

Since then, people point to that vote as if it is the definitive solution that buries the issue forever. Unfortunately, it can't work that way. It can't work that way because the motorcycle restriction affects a significant group of constituency who have a voice; a voice that questions those who would judge all motorcycles as loud and those who ride them as an undesirable type.

This constituency strongly believes the restriction serves absolutely no legitimate purpose, including noise abatement. Unique amongst us, the motorcyclist is subjected to an archaic rule because our forefathers were worried about keeping outlaws from invading the neighborhood. Today, the irony is that the ban does nothing to keep outlaws out. LWW is neither utopia nor paradise and outlaws live amongst us whether they ride motorcycles or not.

Throughout the years, the motorcyclist has been marginalized by the community, like children left in a room behind a locked door so the parents don't have to be bothered. The children have now grown up, and they're asking politely to unlock the door.

This mistrust has been going on for 45 years and it will continue for the next 45 years, or until a lasting solution is found.

Curtis Langston
President, LWW Motorcycle Club


January 29, 2015

Who We Are

Last year a lady wrote in the TWI "Don't you get it? We don't want your type living here." And just what type would that be, I wondered? Like everyone, we are a cross section of American culture and society. We are men and women, husbands and wives, sons and daughters, parents and grandparents, employees and retirees, military and civilian. We are laborer, plumber, mechanic, secretary, nurse, fireman, policeman, business owner, contractor, military personnel, engineer, pilot, COO, restaurant owner, investment banker, author, and even a sea captain commandeering a 275 foot, privately owned mega-yacht for the very rich and famous. Some of us are even outlaws, not unlike the rest of you, but who don't ride motorcycles.

As a community of cyclists, what each of us has in common is that we are allowed to ride our motorcycles everywhere except where we live and play. To some, we look like gangsters with the garb we wear: leather chaps and boots along with helmets and jackets with patches on the back. What they don't understand is that leather is the most protective garment against wind and weather and it provides the best protection should we take a fall. Wearing leather should be judged no different than that of a football player wearing pads and helmet, a bicyclist wearing brightly colored spandex, a fisherman wearing a custom jacket made for hooks and flies or a golfer wearing colorful polo shirts, sun-visor hats and shoes with rubber cleats. It's simply the garb worn for the sport and not meant to be a political or social statement. The patches, if you take the time to look at them, are not Hells Angels, Mongols or Banditos. My patch, for example, is a Harley patch signifying my membership in the Harley Owners Group, or HOG, Chapter of South Korea where I purchased my bike. I wear it with pride. If we wore tennis shoes, Levi's and windbreakers, would we still be perceived as gangsters?

Soon after I arrived in the Sierra's, I rode my Harley into the high country of Lake Tahoe for the first time. It was a beautiful spring day and I was in awe as I rode over the majestic mountains. Motoring along I-80 toward Truckee, I pulled off at the vista view overlooking Donner Lake. No sooner did I get off my bike when a car pulled in behind me filled with a family of East Indians on vacation ­ mother, father, their three children and his parents; grandparents to the children. Soon the father, a young man in his thirties, approached me with a camera in his hands asking if he could take my picture. "Why would you want to take my picture" I asked. "It is because you are a real American" he said. I'm sure his attraction had much more to do with the Harley than the man. Had I been driving a sedan or pickup truck it's unlikely he would have asked. For many, a man on a Harley represents all that is unique to the American culture and he wanted to preserve that moment for his scrapbook back in Mumbai. A true story.

That's the type we are. We are Americans - free spirited, proud and adventurous.

Submitted by: Curtis Langston - President, Lake Wildwood Motorcycle Club.


December 21, 2014

History of The Ban

I was curious how the Ban came to be in the first place so I interviewed a resident who, back in the day, was the District 4 County Supervisor. He was also an early property owner and a member of the original Advisory Committee - precursor to the first Board of Directors. I'll call him 'Mr. T' and this is what he had to say: In 1968-69, Boise-Cascade completed their project at Lake of Pines (LOP) with great success, having sold the properties in record time and profit. On the heels of that success, Boise purchased the open ranch land that is now LWW with intent to create another private community modeled after LOP. LOP has never had a restriction prohibiting motorcycles.

At the time of early development, fear was generated by news articles of the day highlighting the growing presence of motorcycle gangs throughout the foothills. LWW was wide open land without gates, fences or security to keep people out and there was fear that gangs would roam the streets.

To counteract that threat, the first set of rules formed by the initial Advisory Committee included a Declaration of Restriction banning all 2 and 3-wheeled vehicles. The impetus to this was to provide a legal basis to prompt law enforcement should gangs enter the neighborhood. Without the Declaration, simply riding on the streets was not illegal and the Association was powerless to place a call for help unless other laws were broken. However, with the Declaration the Association had the legal basis to place the call.

According to Mr. T, at the time of approving the Restriction there was a general agreement amongst he, the County Supervisor, along with members of the Advisory Committee and Boise-Cascade ownership that it would be a temporary rule that could be removed once guarded gates and fences were put into place and the acreage secured. Homeowners were allowed to ride their motorcycles in and out unencumbered as an unspoken rule of acceptance, despite the Restriction. Hence, the Declaration was to block gangs, not motorcycles. Noise was never considered an issue.

However, as time passed the Declaration was carried over by the first BOD into the initial CC&R's. It was the early 1970's. There were 30 homes built as vacation homes or retirement havens by people living in the big cities. All attempts to remove the Declaration were subsequently denied by those remote pioneers who were afraid to leave their property and investment unattended and unsecured in the wild frontier of the foothills.

Today that fear has now morphed into an argument centered mainly on noise but with the unspoken yet lingering view that motorcycle riders are gang members and therefore an undesirable type. This stereotypic view is outdated and is offensive to the LWW motorcycle rider who is more likely to be a career professional riding modern machines built to California vehicle code standards.

Submitted by: Curtis Langston - President, Lake Wildwood Motorcycle Club.


November 20, 2014

Public Announcement

The LWW Motorcycle Club (i.e. 'the Club') has been representing LWW motorcycle enthusiasts as a Sanctioned Club since 2002. On October 30th 2014, the Club elected New Officers that introduced a Plan of Action calling for engagement with the community in Public dialog to discuss the Declaration of Restriction that forbids motorcycle access ­ a.k.a. 'the BAN'.

The Club - its members and supporters - believe the BANis a Discriminatory Act that imposes an imbalance in the equality of life for Club members and the Club would like to openly discuss it with the Community.

Recently it was announced that the North Gate properties will be sold to raise money for the new Clubhouse. LWW motorcyclists have been using that lot for decades as the only space available for long term and short term parking and as a landing zone to load and unload motorcycles off trailers. Once sold, that space will no longer be available and the cycling community will be adversely affected as a result.

The Club understands that the Association is under no legal responsibility to address the motorcycle issue due to the BAN. However, the Club is firmly committed in the belief that if the Association is to restrict access to street-legal motorcycles - as defined by California Vehicle Codes - that are owned and operated by homeowners whose association fees pay for the very roads they are forbidden to access, then the Association has a civic responsibility to address the issue and find an equitable solution we can all live with.

Currently, the Association is considering storage sheds as a means of providing that solution. The Club, with its Plan of Action, will work with the BOD and the Planning Committee to help define what that solution is; including its cost and greater impact to the Community and to see if it makes sense.
A cornerstone of the Club's Plan of Action is to engage the Community in public conversation that openly and publicly discusses all things motorcycle. To kick-start, the Club will begin publishing an editorial column in the TWI called 'Motorcycle Musings'. These Musings will be articles written to inform, educate and entertain the community with such subjects as History of the Ban, Who we Are, Why we Ride, Noise, Persona, The Financial Effect on Real Estate Sales, The Financial Effect on the Cycling Community and other stories of Public Interest.

Curtis Langston ­ Club President. University of Houston ­ BS/MS. Aerospace Engineer. 33 year technical consultant to US Air Force and US Navy. 13 year LWW resident.